The ‘Emo’ is a well-known teenage subculture which originated in the U.K. in the 1980s.
It spread all over the world and in Greece it reached the peak of its popularity in 2008, when 20% of teenagers were ‘Emo’. You can tell the fans of the ‘Emo’ trend by their eccentric looks.
They dress in black or otherwise dark coloured clothes and wear black eyeliner, mascara and dark eye shadows – both boys and girls alike. Their hairstyle is extreme; a long fringe covers their eyes almost completely.
Because of their strange looks they often fall prey to fans of other teenage subcultures, like the ‘kangaroos’, for instance, who chase the ‘Emo’ to cut off their fringe.
There are also the colourful ‘Emo’, who wear colourful clothes. As the name of this trend suggests, the ‘Emo’ are emotional and sensitive. They believe that life is too hard and no one can understand their teenage sensitivity. Most of them claim that they wish they had never been born. There is no meaning in living the life of adults, nor that of other teenagers who are not ‘Emo’. Their favourite kind of music is gothic and new wave.
Tortoreli Eirini B’4, Psychou Olga B΄3
ΠΑΜΕ ΜΑΛΤΑ 17-21.4.2018
Πριν από 6 χρόνια
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